
      Since God has opened our eyes, we can testify to a closer walk with Him, a more rich, vibrant, and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  We have indeed become much more “gracey,” and may the Lord give us even more of His marvelous grace, so we may obey Him and deny self. Only through grace can we understand that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, of value in our Self that can commend us to God. We deny the merits and works of Self and instead focus  on Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  We are once more overwhelmed with wonder at His plan of redemption, and we feel a new desire to share the gospel of salvation by faith with others.

      We have a renewed love of the precious Word of God and a desire to fellowship with others in the study of this Word and in prayer and worship. May His saints cause the heavens to ring with His praise!

      No, we are not “searching” for a Church. We were baptized by one Spirit into that body the moment we believed in Christ, and later we publicized this through the symbol of water.  We are the church, and so is anyone who belongs to the Head, Jesus Christ, for the body cannot be apart from the Head. We are joyfully celebrating Christ in the midst of His congregations. Wherever Christians gather and wherever Christ emerges as the hero in their sermons, songs, and worship, there we can fellowship, and learn, and worship in spirit and in truth, fulfilling the baptismal vows we took before you to be faithful to Christ and His Church forever.    

     Yes, in obedience to Christ, we have abandoned various prohibitions and rules that never were a part of Christian life to begin with.  Jesus commands us to “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” We have left Hagar (Gal. 4:24-31), who is in bondage with her children, in favor of Jerusalem, the free woman. How we wish that you, too, could cast out the bondwoman and experience the joyous gratitude and wonder that comes from childlike trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, knowing  “If we walk by the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” How we wish that you could, for one hour, taste the true peace and freedom that liberty in Christ brings. You would never give it up.

       And, beloved Holdemans, we will never give up the priceless joy in Jesus Christ we have found. We will, however, never stop praying for you with tenderness and love in our hearts. May God open your eyes.



 Will & Vivian  Stoppel



To read the first pamphlet sent to 2,000 members
of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite,
click Re-examination

For Members

Love letter to the Holdemans:



Why We Left

Who is My Brother in Christ

An Unbroken Lineage of Unchanged Faith?

Holdemans Calling Their Forefathers' Doctrines Blasphemous

The Forefathers Calling Doctrine Held by the Holdemans Heresy

Public Apology

Why So Many Doubts and Fears?

What Must I Do to be Saved?




Whether it be of God and No Proselytes in Zion--a Re-examination:  (this is the original pamphlet sent to 2,000 members of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite)



 Scare Tactics


Answers to Myths, Fears, and Misapplied Scriptures


About the Authors

For Non-members

Origin of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

What does the Church of
God in Christ, Mennonite,
really teach?

Holdemanism VS Anabaptism

Comparing the
"One True" churches

Quotes from Ex-Members

Witnessing to Holdemans

For Ex-Members

Scare Tactics


Answers to Myths, Fears, and Misapplied Scriptures

Breaking the Chains

The Sin of Obeying Legalism

Finding the New Testament Church

Should Christians Dress Plain or Should They Follow Christ's Example Who Dressed "Just Like the World"?

Quotes from Ex-Members

Links to Other Sites on Cult Recovery

Audio and Video Testimonies

Holdeman Transitions

Our Spiritual Journey to Jesus by Leona Nichols

Quiet Things, Quiet Places -

Coming Out of Deception and Spiritual Bondage by Weldon Koehn

Canadian Television Broadcast on The Purge of the 1970's

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